Plans for electric buses in rural areas of Mid Suffolk are likely to be put on hold. 

A proposal to pause plans for rural zero carbon buses will be put to councillors at Mid Suffolk District Council cabinet meeting.

The Green and Liberal Democrat group suggested setting aside £820,000 of funding for two years for the scheme last February, and this was agreed by the council.

The recommendation is to wait for more evidence from similar schemes in other areas and consider using the first electric buses for workers at Stowmarket’s Gateway 14 business park.

Cllr Andrew Mellen, Mid Suffolk Green and Liberal Democrat group leader, said: “The proposal to pause the introduction of the two electric buses is disappointing.

“Given the long delivery times for these type of vehicles, last year we proposed that two be ordered and we sort out the details of how they are used in the meantime.

“However, no order has been placed and it could be another year before any new provision arrives.

“The potential link to Gateway 14 is puzzling since construction there is only just starting – yet people out in the villages are crying out for a decent bus service now."

Research into electric bus schemes elsewhere found that many were at the pilot stage and so provided no solid evidence of success.

Officers suggest looking into starting the scheme for people who work at Gateway 14 and live in the rural villages around Stowmarket.

The first company to secure a plot at Gateway 14 is The Range. 

Gateway 14 is part of Freeport East, a set of low-tax, low-regulation zones given the green light in December 2021.

Officers are also wary about starting the rollout of electric buses while there’s uncertainty around the future of some bus services.

A government scheme running across many Suffolk bus operators caps single fares at £2 but will end on March 31.

The officer’s report to be brought to councillors next week states: “If the end of such funding does lead to more cuts in services, the council may find there are other priorities in terms of investing funding in passenger transport.”