A £70,000 project to create a new play area has been hailed a "crowning glory" after years of fundraising by the community. 

Those living in Ringshall gathered for the site's official opening which tied in with the village's Coronation celebrations on Saturday.

The new area has been a hope for more than a decade but was spearheaded by resident Kieran Shann. 

The Offton Road resident presented the idea four years ago after meeting with the parish council to ask for activities and equipment to enable children to get fresh air and exercise.

Stowmarket Mercury: Kieran Shann had suggested the idea for the play area and cut the ribbon on Saturday. Picture: Adrian WilliamsKieran Shann had suggested the idea for the play area and cut the ribbon on Saturday. Picture: Adrian Williams (Image: Adrian Williams)

With support from councillors and the community, a new area has been built on the playing field including swings, a slide, a climbing frame and a roundabout. 

Chris Payne, chair of Ringshall Parish Council, described the opening of the long-awaited facility as the “crowning glory” of a weekend of local celebrations and get-togethers, which included a village hall Coronation event.

Mr Payne said: "It is a good example of a young person taking action. He approached the local parish council to do something more for the community. 

"We have noticed quite a few newcomers to the village in the last three to four years and some have young children, we can offer that facility. It is near the primary school which is quite useful." 

He praised the work as a great example of community action that benefited the whole community. 

The £70,000 was funded with contributions from Mid Suffolk District Council, a Lottery grant, Binders and charitable trusts, as well as village fundraising efforts.

Along with paying for the new equipment, the amount paid for the installation of the area, fencing and grass-cutting equipment.

At the event on Saturday was newly re-elected Green Party district councillor Dan Pratt.

The councillor helped with initial Mid Suffolk District Council funding applications, along with Ringshall Parish Council and Ringshall Village Hall Management Committee representatives.