The RSPCA has revealed it has been called to more than 500 reports of animal abuse so far this year and has warned its busiest period is still yet to come. 

New figures released by the animal charity has shown that officers have been called to 524 reports of animal cruelty in the county. 

Earlier this year a man received a five-year animal ban after he placed a chicken in a cage of ferrets. 

Loki the dog was rescued by the RSPCALoki the dog was rescued by the RSPCA (Image: RSPCA)

Three videos were found on the man’s phone showing the bird being attacked and killed within three minutes of being put into the cage. 

Loki was one of the animals that was rescued by the RSPCA after he was abused by his owner. 

The puppy was covered in lumps, swellings and bruises. X-rays revealed his ribs and paws were fractured all over. 

His owner has since been banned for life from keeping animals and Loki has now found himself a happy new home with loving owners. 

Karen Colman, who heads up the RSPCA welfare oversight team, said: “Sadly, animal cruelty reports are on the rise this year - and in Suffolk alone, we’ve seen 524 animal cruelty reports already this year.

“Reports of international harm towards animals and beatings also rose sharply across the country last summer - so we’re preparing for a difficult period ahead.

“But rescuing animals from cruelty, investigating harm caused to them, and acting to prevent animal abuse, is a job no other charity does. We’ll always be here to pick up the pieces and show those animals the kindness and care they deserve.

“Summer is a really challenging time for us - and we’re braced for another busy season on the frontline, but we cannot do this alone.”