A Stowmarket footballer who caused his opponent to lose two teeth after headbutting him on the pitch has been given an 18 month community order. 

James Bussey, 37, of Stricklands Road, in Stowmarket, was taken into custody on April 8 at Kelsale cum Carlton after he assaulted a man during a match.

On Tuesday, the 37-year-old appeared at Suffolk Magistrates Court for sentencing after pleading guilty to assault by causing actual bodily harm in April 2023.

During the incident, the defendant was said to have headbutted the victim, causing him to lose two teeth after they had run into each other during the game. 

The prosecution read out a statement from the victim where he detailed the impact the encounter had on him.

He said that because of the incident he has had to get his teeth fixed by the dentist which has cost him £240 in total. 

"This event has completely changed the way I feel about and play the sport that I love," he added. 

In mitigation for Bussey, his representative Mr Gallagher told the magistrates that before the incident the victim had "accidentally" or "on purpose" stamped on the defendant's foot, which enraged the 37-year-old.

Bussey proceeded to headbutt the victim resulting in the injuries.

Mr Gallagher also told the court that Bussey has had poor mental health and since the incident has been receiving support for this.

Magistrates then gave the Stowmarket man a 18-month community order. 

Bussey will also have an electronically monitored curfew from 7pm to 5am.

He has also been asked to pay £85 in costs, a surcharge of £140 surcharge, paying for the victim's dental work and a compensation to him.